Faculty Scholar Productivity

For those interested in keeping up with the Jones, or at least wanting to know what they are doing, along comes another ranking system. This one, interesting enough, measures faculty scholar productivity.

Developed by Academic Analytics, it purportedly measures faculty productivity. As stated on their website:

The Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index™ (FSP Index) is a method for evaluating
doctoral programs at Research Universities (across all Carnegie research
classifications), based on a set of statistical algorithms developed by Lawrence
Martin, Ph.D. and Anthony Olejniczak, Ph.D.. The FSP Index measures the annual
productivity of faculty on several factors including:
Publications (books and journal articles)
of journal publications
Federal Research
Awards and Honors

The Chronicle has a searchable database. Here’s the listing for foundations of education from the company’s website.

Foundations of Education
• U. Michigan - Ann Arbor (Educational Foundations)
• NYU (Sociology of Education)
• Teachers College - Columbia U. (Cognitive Studies in Education)
• Syracuse U. (Cultural Foundations of Education)
• U. Oklahoma (History, Philosophy and Social foundations)
• SUNY Buffalo (Social and Philosophical Foundations)
• Auburn U. (Educational Foundations)
• U. Iowa (Social Foundations of Education)
• Indiana U. - Bloomington (History, Philosophy and Comparative Education)
• U. Utah (Education, Culture and Society)

Check out the specifics on the Chronicle website to see book publications, articles, citations, etc. across lots of disciplines and subfields. Be careful, though, with your data analysis. The numbers represent the “z-score” (“a statistical measure (in standard deviation units) that reveals how far and in what direction a value is from the mean”), and NOT the actual number of books, publications, etc.