Activity Based Learning:

Activity Based Learning in Primary education and Kids Education:
Active learning is more effective than other methodologies. It is very useful in primary education and kids education programs. The learning games and another games related activities are very useful in primary school teaching and kids education. Teachers have to understand the relationship between learning and games. They have to discover the new learning games and have to use games in learning. Now a days different teaching methodologies are being discovered. Teachers have to choose the most effective methodology for their students. Actually the teaching should be an interesting thing for the teachers and the students also. Now several researchers have been working on "Teacher's active role in smart and active teaching learning methodologies".Our schools should be an interesting place for teaching learning experiences. So teachers have to discover the new and interesting methodologies according to the students learning level and their interests.The Roles of Educational Websites in Activity Based Learning:
In smart school learning and smart class learning where education is provided by computers, internet and by multimedia, there are several educational websites providing the interactive learning environment for learners. These educational websites designed in a such manner where learning is a fun. Once students learn to operate the website, they are enable to learn individually. In such an environment, the teachers role is to facilitate in learning. The teacher has to make a different teaching strategy in such type of activity based learning. In primary and kids education, teacher has to make a different learning strategy, such as fun learning activities for kids, active learning games, active learning lesson plans etc. Teacher has to manage his active and smart classroom with innovative teaching learning resources and active methods of learning. He has to plan active learning lesson plans, activity based learning materials, active learning examples and also activity based educational games.Activities make a school smart and live.
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