I think this situations arises because the problem of adjustment.
Each and every thing may not be same everywhere. So what should be done?
Should we blame the new environment or we should adjust and enjoy the new environment?
I think that the second step is better.
We have to create our attitude to enjoy the new opportunities and a sound adjusting power.
The better way should be forget the old and enjoy the new.
Adjustment is the key to happiness.
This blog is for education, innovative education, e learning and online education. I put some articles on various interesting topics. You may find in this blog various Teaching learning ideas, innovative ideas on smart school class, smart classroom, smart classroom teaching, e learning and online education, the use of internet and social networking websites in education. Actually in this time our life style is changing and by the development of internet our education, education system, classroom and classroom teaching is also being innovative.
Is internet changing our Education System?
Is internet changing our education system? Online learning software, e learning tutorials, online multimedia lessons, educational websites, online training, online two way conversation, online video chatting, high speed internet speed, 3 G service and online classes are very easy in this time by the development of internet technology. This e revolution makes the concept of “e-class” and “smart class” possible. There are a need to train the resource persons; such as school teachers, academic and administrative staff. Now it is also become simple by online training.
So don’t be surprised to see this e revolution. Be preparing to the smart school, smart class, smart teaching and smart learning.
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