Smart school: Smart class

In these day smart class and smart schools are very interesting dreams for students, teachers and the students. Students are very interested abut the smart school and smart class. Several institutes are making their classroom smart and modern. They are working on "Smart School Project". In modern e learning and online education based system, the smart class and smart school are not an unknown thing, because in a smart class there will be computer enabled education system. Smart class provide a platform for online e class. We can say it "White Board e Evolution" in education. The question is that what is smart school and what is smart class and what is smart class education. There is a question also "What is smart school management system?"

“Smart school and smart class” is an innovative concept in education. Now a day’s we are living in the age of internet, so our education system is also going to be online. In this environment e learning and online education is the need of this time. Use of internet in schools and education is not only a dream, but it is the necessity of the time.
In a smart class there will be computers, projectors, internet connectivity and other multimedia devices such as home theater etc. The role of a teacher may be modified in such new environment. In a smart class students may use internet and this activity can change the old thinking about the students and the learning theory. In beginning, it should be launched as a pilot project in a few schools. The experience and result of these schools leads the future planning. To make a new project in smart school vision, it is very important to invite the expert teachers to play a great role in policy making.

Smart School: Smart Class: The creative concept for the 21st Century's Teacher

Education on line, e Learning and “Smart Class” concepts need innovative and effective classroom management because it is the beginning of “21st century smart classroom”.
This upgraded kind of education is very interesting for children! it is an innovative idea to change our boring system into a smart and innovative system of teaching-learning activities. Smart School: Smart class is a more fascinating model in the world. In a smart school teachers have to develop the skill of learning from experiences. There are some countries and some states are a role model in "Smart School Education".What is "Smart Class"?
Smart Class is a Smart concept for Smart Educators of Smart Schools. “Smart Class” includes Smart Learning Techniques, Smart classroom management, Smart Learning environment and Smart Learning Materials. Internet, projector and another multimedia devices are the main parts of smart classrooms. We can say smart class as "White board classrooms". Now blackboard and chalks is replacing by white board, projectors and the pointer. Really it is an amazing than traditional teaching learning system. Smart class is a class of modern age. There will be fully multimedia enabled audio-visual classrooms in a smart classroom. It will be quite different than traditional class. In a smart classroom the teacher works as a facilitator in learning.